Anna Reid
Anna is a set and costume designer based in London and a graduate of Wimbledon College of Art.
Design credits include: “Our Country’s Good”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (Tobacco Factory Theatre), “Paradise”, “The Hoes” (Hampstead Theatre), “Twelfth Night”, “The Sweet Science of Bruising”, “Collective Rage”, “Dear Brutus”, “The Cardinal” and “School Play” (Southwark Playhouse), “Dust”, “Rasheeda Speaking” (Trafalgar Studios), “Soft Animals”, “Fury” (Soho Theatre), “Schism” (Park Theatre), “Grotty” (The Bunker), “Tiny Dynamite” (Old Red Lion), “Rattle Snake” (Live Theatre Newcastle, York Theatre Royal, Soho Theatre), “The Kitchen Sink” and “Jumpers for Goalposts” (The Oldham Coliseum), “Sex Worker’s Opera” (set only, National Tour and Ovalhouse Theatre), “I’m Gonna Pray For You So Hard” (Finborough Theatre), “Dry Land” (Jermyn Street Theatre), “Arthur’s World” (The Bush Theatre), “Hippolytos” (Victoria and Albert Museum), “Hamlet” (The Riverside Studios).
Anna was selected to represent the UK as an emerging designer at World Stage Design 2017.

Featured Work
The Hoes

Set in a hotel room in Ibiza, three friends engage in a week of sex, drinking and dancing, whilst, unbeknownst to two of them, the mental health of one of them rapidly deteriorates. Ibiza rooms are often all white but this felt it could veer towards an aesthetically cold and clinical “examination” of the themes and characters.
Simultaneously, we wanted to stay true to the attractive and joyous fashion choices of the girls, and didn’t want to overwhelm the costumes with too vibrant a set. We divided the space into block areas of pastel colour with a graphic which could be a sunset or sunrise depending on how you interpret the characters’ musings on what it means to be 25. This was contrasted with a wildly eclectic palette for the costumes full of busy patterns so the drama was supported by a warm, playful space without drowning out its inhabitants.